We cover:
What type of tenancy agreement do you need? Just downloading one from the internet can be OK…as long as you and your tenant understand it and it accurately describes how you want the tenancy to run.
Do you really need to protect the deposit? Short answer: yes. Long answer: Hell yes. And it needs to be done in exactly the correct way if you don't want to leave yourself open to major problems…
How do you evict a tenant? Tessa explains why even if you've got the tenant who's never paid rent and has totally trashed your property, using a “no fault” ground for eviction is usually the best option if possible.
Can you fire an under-performing managing agent? There's nothing quite as depressing as paying out every month for a shoddy service, so Tessa tells you how to put a stop to it.
What special laws apply to HMOs? HMOs are in vogue and can make big profits, but there are (quite rightly) some extra legal responsibilities that you must know about.